Apple Watch Pride Edition celebrates the LGBTQ+ community - iStore

Apple Watch Pride Edition celebrates the LGBTQ+ community

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Apple has announced a new Pride Edition Sport Band and watch face to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. The band features a new design with a rainbow of geometric shapes on a white base, and the watch face includes colorful shapes that move around the display. Apple is also donating to a number of LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations.

The new Pride Edition Sport Band is available to order now for $49. It will be available in stores on May 24. The Pride Celebration watch face and wallpaper will be available next week.

Apple is donating to the following LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations:

  • Equality Federation Institute
  • Encircle
  • Equality North Carolina
  • Equality Texas
  • Gender Spectrum
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • ILGA World
  • The National Center for Transgender Equality
  • The Trevor Project

Apple has been a long-time supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. In 2015, the company added same-sex marriage to its employee benefits plan. In 2017, Apple launched the Apple Watch Pride Edition band. And in 2019, Apple launched the Be True campaign to support LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations.

Apple's support for the LGBTQ+ community is an important step in the fight for equality. By donating to advocacy organizations and creating products that celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, Apple is helping to create a more inclusive world.
